Meet My Bad Boy Figurine # 2

My second figurine in line! This is a little more detailed than the first and it is a single piece unlike first one which came as two pieces. The figurine started driving with my model car as co-passenger and they are attracting quite a amount of eyes. This guy here is named as “Freak” because of his raised eye brows and mouth. On outdoor shoot this guy enjoys himself as I started including one or two of these figurines, infact in this particular Koenigsegg shoot I made more shots with the figurines than isolated car.

With fury in eyes and body language, he will sure fit any super cars which speaks in xxx mph. His casual dressing and the black leather boots work very well with the black jacket. Though looking a little an Asian but his hair color gives him a European look, that’s why I picked a Koenigsegg CCX as his ride. This figurine’s height is much suited any car or SUV in 1:18 scale.

The above 360 degree view show clear details of his dressing, body language, facial response and his foot wears finish. Being a roadside bad boy his torn jean is finished with a very nice details and every fold in his jacket and jean is perfect. Checkout his back jean pocket (right) even the red jean label is finished perfectly.

I have tried putting these figurines in my display and they instantly hiked the display value by two. He fits very well with most of my diecast model car as I have mostly supercars and concept vehicles. He kind of gets well with some of my SUVs as well but his attitude put him very close to the supercars especial with this Koenigsegg CCX and my Ford GT.

19 thoughts on “Meet My Bad Boy Figurine # 2

  1. Sorry to say this but I am more interested at that awesome CCX model you have there! What brand is it and how much does it cost? Looks so detailed! Gonna have a review of it soon?

    1. Its made by ORGANIC a Chinese company. This particular figurine is a part of “BADBOYS Glare of the Eyes Vol-4” pack. He is called “Torazame Ginjirou”.

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  2. Awesome CCX details … The quality is too good, BTW that action figure is kool Jacket,shirt folds are looking real … I’m actually a great fan of Naruto, can I get naruto action figures in B’lore ..? I saw couple of Dragon Ball Z but no naruto .. If u know please let me know and yeah I wanna add u on my facebook page please PM me ur mail ID ..

    thank you … πŸ™‚

  3. Awesome CCX details … The quality is too good, BTW that action figure is kool Jacket,shirt folds are looking real … I’m actually a great fan of Naruto, can I get naruto action figures in B’lore ..? I saw couple of Dragon Ball Z but no naruto .. If u know please let me know and yeah I wanna add u on my facebook page please PM me ur mail ID ..

    1. These are organic figures which I imported from Hong Kong… I have not seen any in our market!
      Dragon Ball Z figures are more of a toy I guess…

  4. Brilliant shots of the CCX and the Bad Boy mate πŸ™‚

    I might pick up the CCX and those figures after seeing your shots!! Which other figures do u have in your collection? U mentioned 16. Please show some fotus of them all bro. Would really appreciate that man πŸ™‚

    1. Sure will do a group photo shoot soon…
      They look very good in pics and a very sorted accessory for the display as well.

  5. Hey man!!
    First of all you have a fantastic collection!! :)… but being honest, i am not impressed with any of the maisto models!! (probably because they are budget models and low quality)
    I personally have the following models:
    BMW 750Li (F02) — Kyosho
    BMW M6 Coupe (E63) — Kyosho
    BMW M3 Convertible (E93M) — Kyosho
    Lambo Reventon — AutoArt
    I’ve had my eye on the Kyosho BMW X5, AutoArt Koenigsegg CCX, and the AutoArt Land Rover for quite some time now but cant really find a website that offers any of these models at a reasonable price!! (they’re all $130 + $35 for shipping!!) The closest i got was $109 +$20 shipping for the Land Rover on Ebay UK!!
    If you have any websites in mind that may help me get the above models for a good price please let me know!!
    Thanx a million dude!! πŸ™‚

  6. Yo Asaran! Waiting for the pics of the figures bro πŸ™‚

    Don’t do a detailed shoot.. I just want to see few pictures of the 3 set. Can you please take a few shots front and back of the three sets and mail them on my email?

    Thanks in advance! I shall decide which sets to get after seeing your pics πŸ™‚
    Also, let me know where you got your sets from!

  7. ^^ Mate, thanks a bunch man. I really appreciate this!! πŸ™‚

    The images look cool. I like these sets. How much was each for with shipping to India? What site/ ebay seller did you get from?

    I have a felling that I am going to go and buy all that I can find of these πŸ˜€ D

    Cheers mate! πŸ™‚

    1. Cool I took my Aventador on 25th June…. First thing I did when returned back to Bangalore from Hyderabad.

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